Martin Lubricants depends on its suppliers to provide a wide range of products and services which are crucial to ensuring we meet our internal goals for production and customer service. Suppliers that we do business are monitored on:
- Dependability: We expect to receive what was ordered within a logical amount of time while ensuring products and services are of the highest quality.
- Open Two-Way Communication: We expect all suppliers to openly communicate any delays in orders or anticipated supply chain issues.
- Free-Market Economic Thinking: Goods and services should be provided at competitive market pricing allowing you to make money while providing value to customers rather than basing a pricing matrix on supply and demand.
- Flexibility: We do our best to provide accurate forecasting for products and services, but do encounter times when our customer’s demands change based on market conditions. We expect our suppliers to provide short lead times and the ability to make adjustments in their production schedule as needed.
Those with interest in becoming a Martin Lubricants suppliers should contact lead buyer, Alaina Amis, using the form below.